Janov's Reflections on the Human Condition
Dear Readers,
I want to ask something...
I think Primal Therapy lengthens life considerably. We would like to support our clinical observations by a series of research regarding the long-term effects of Primal Therapy on our patients. We need funding to undergo this research.
I would like to ask you, my readers, if you would be willing to contribute a small amount every month for one year to help out with this project. Only those where that amount of money would not do a hardship would be asked. No matter how good your heart is, do not contribute if you cannot afford it.
All money will go into research; no money will go into clerical work or our therapy work. We need about 2500-3000 dollars per month for one year.
I am not asking for anything right now, we just want to know who might contribute and if it is feasible. Please understand that our research is ultimately for the good of mankind and to show how important a feeling therapy is.
If you are interested and think that you can contribute, please send an email to primalctr@mac.com and specify the amount you can contribute per month. I will let you know what the response has been and whether we had enough people wanting to contribute to do the research by the end of this month (March 2013).
Thank you,
Here are, in random order, a few of my ideas:
1. Measure telomeres to see if we do indeed lengthen life and avoid serious
illness, as pain foretells shortening of telomeres and of possible
early serious disease.
2. To see if the brain is more harmonized after our therapy, bottom
to top and right to left.
3. Measure vital functions core body temp; blood pressure heart rate etc.
4. Measure cortisol and natural killer cells and immune functions.
5. Measure methylation to see if we do indeed take the pain out of the
system permanently and reverse methylation. This means changing the
tumor combating chemicals, whose names escape me right now.
6. Measure cortisol levels to see how much we lower stress levels
and to see how it correlates with changes in telomeres; they work in
see-saw fashion with each other
7. Measure imipramine binding to see how much we produce serotonin and
the basic level of it we have.
8. Oxygen levels before and after therapy
9. Measure birth trauma and gestation trauma as it relates to
Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer.
10. Mapping resonance so we see how the brain works 1-2-3 and then 3=2=1
My respons:
Primal Research
All meaningful research, which is aimed at proving the validity of the Primal Therapy Principles, (how to “take the pain out of the system”), has our, mine and Evas, support.
You mention a, from a research standpoint, modest amount, $ 36.000 / year, indicating that the proposed project will be limited. All experience shows that most projects with qualified scientific design take a lot of time. A project normally is dragging out on time and will be 2 - 5 times as long as an optimistic preliminary estimate. The over all risk, that a project fails, is for various reasons high (>40%), and especially if there is only a one-year funding guarantee. Another issue to consider is how long, by which control and endurance a research project on Primal Therapy can be held together before the person responsible eventually presents it.
The 10 research ideas you mention are in many cases highly complex / delicate to define. To this must be added that the scientific issues such as control groups, patient categories and effects under varying durations, etc., further increases the complexity.
I could deepen my views much more. To my own practical international, industrial experience, I have been able to add the access to Eva, a person with experience of qualified academic (chemical / medical) research management. We have had occasion to discuss your proposal in a constructive and committed manner.
We would suggest, as a first project, a qualified compilation of all available information on research, monitoring, etc., that is in yours and other’s available records. Only then, an assessment should be made as to where the first research effort (in relation to existing resources / grants) can most effectively be deployed. Eventually, hopefully, resources are created that can administer all of the matters you have raised in our draft list.
Proposal no. 10 (which is about how the Triune Brain works) feels like a major theme. It is important to get closer to an understanding of how our three brains (the reptilian brain, the limbic system and the cortex) work and are affected in their internal communication because of early imprints and gradually developed neuroses. We also want to have answers to how the brain, after the re-lived pain, regains its normal function to regulate the processes of our body, thoughts and emotions and prioritizes real needs. My own transformation during 35 years of contact with the PT is a remarkable experience, where coordination between various brain levels have meant more than longevity and improved values of vital signs (heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure).
By undoubtedly applying the Primal Principle (Evolution in Reverse) I avoided a perishing in the med 90’s. PT has thus already given me 15 years extra lifetime plus enhanced quality of life.
Jan Johnsson and Eva Thomé.