Comment on Janov’s Reflections: On the Beliefs that Kill
A Prerequisite For Love: End Of Poverty!
It is easy to come to common conclusions with Dr. Janov’s analysis; about what happens to religiously / ideologically distorted brains, for lack of affection / love. They commit murder, hoping to be admitted to an imaginary religious community of love "behind the Gates of Heaven." However, I would like to add some comments to Janov’s experienced-based analysis. According to my interpretation, Janov bases his analysis on psychotherapeutic experiences of phenomena of survival reasons, which take place in our brains influenced / propelled by unbearable pain. My additions may become extra sensitive due to Janov's background as an American and a Jew. He applies the analysis to current religiously-based terrorist acts against for example Jews in Paris and against children in parts of a war-torn Arab world.
Dr. Janov has recently in a “Reflection” held that we are all products of the evolution that has as its overall goal reproduction, for the survival of the (human) species. In a world populated explosively in the last century, there is not yet resources for general primal therapies. Nor does there exist adequate security for giving everybody the affection and love that prevents the tragic murders of economic, political, religious, and these factors related causes. We live, however, in a world that develop “better and faster” than most people think and have insights into, and I recommend a study of the following link:
We are shocked by the tragic terrorist acts carried out by poor, often outcast and unloved, adolescents influenced / addicted and temporarily “drugged” by religious beliefs. They are part of a revolution that has often been triggered by tribal hostilities, made worse by so-called liberation wars to exploit oil and further fueled by greedy arms exports from the so-called developed countries. West's behavior has little regard to cultural and developmental differences. When frantic and desperate terrorist actions emerge, then we are mastering indignantly the pain propelled / distorted brains of the terrorists, about our “free speech” and our quality of life. The reactions, politically understandable, are, on both sides, multifaceted and comprehensive; each side defending their point of view, their beliefs.
However, charity = love begins at home! And how does it look at home in the world’s leading democracy? In the US, there have, on average, during the last 30 years, been committed 18.000 (official) murders and 90.000 (official) rapes PER YEAR. Democracy in the United States has segregated the society so skillfully, with political and economic instruments that it looks like a metaphor in order to demonstrate Herbert Spencer’s concept of the survival of the fittest! Oddly enough, this happens despite the fact that only 12 percent - one in eight people - think that evolution should be taught without mentioning a creationist alternative! If the world follows the US example, then we will end up with a global figure of about 400.000 murders per year… that may be lower than it is today…
Love as the foundation for a long and happy life in the service of evolution is so far a luxury for the few and the prioritized.
Jan Johnsson