Janov's Reflections TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 (CLICK TO ACCESS!)
Your Genetic Profile
My comment:
Primal Therapy and “Evolution in Reverse” in the world of genetics.
Congratulations Art!
The principals of Primal Therapy and Evolution in Reverse are parts of the new paradigm in the world of genetics.
You if anyone should know that things take time. (Lamarck was close to the truth already 200 years ago but was turned down). Among the professional researchers and professors, above all between those in physics and biology but also between those within biology, there still exist high barriers, which must be solved to establish a common language / interpretation of the processes that continually take place in our organisms.
The great number of scientific publications and articles which over the latest months have flooded the news market with how the world of genetics has added an “epi” to the study of genes. So I have started to understand how the genes get turned on and off in the cell. The science writer David Schenk has come up with a metaphor for the process: “Think of a giant control board inside every cell in your body. Many of those knobs and switches can be turned up/down/on/off at any time.”
When I first read about epigenetic and methylation in your book “Life Before Birth” and in your articles, I was thrilled but confused. However, after having read the essays of Stephen Talbott in The New Atlantis (http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/getting-over-the-code-delusion) I am still confused but on a much higher level and more thrilled. My 40 years in PT are making more and more sense! I am finding soul mates on different levels all the time.
I enclose a link to an article I read in NYT and answered from my personal point of view.http://epilepticjourney.blogspot.com.es/2012/09/fathers-matter-more-cognitive.html
Jan Johnsson
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