Friday, December 21, 2012

From “The Complete Angler” to Fisherman’s Wharf.

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My comment:

From “The Complete Angler” to Fisherman’s Wharf. 

When reading your Reflections  about “Teach me to Fish”, I had fresh impressions from a person who had made the Swedish translation of Izaak Walton’s famous “The Perfect Angler”. Unlike Walton, the translator thought that fishing was cruel. Walton, however, considered fishing to be approved by a higher authority = Jesus in the safe knowledge that he chose fishermen to his disciples. Your Reflections and comments about Walton highlighted my memory of how I through a complex sequence of events and a number of fortunate coincidences got my old dream of “Primal Therapy” within reach.

A little more than 35 years ago, I managed to be part of a perfect “package tour” between Oct. 7th and Oct. 22nd, 1977. The package contained a wedding in Copenhagen, a roundtrip to the US West coast, a 2 week study in “How to Build a Franchise” and finally a visit to Santa Monica in L.A. The US journey began in San Francisco at Fisherman’s Wharf, and the last day, before the trip home, I visited the old Primal Institute to apply for Primal Therapy. 

From 1978 and onwards PT/AJ taught me to “fish” by demystifying my repressed birth trauma and all its persistent secondary effects. In my case, it did not happen “as soon as possible”. It lasted more than 30 years because I for many years had to live with a tricky agenda in order to make ends meet in my career, my finances and the therapy treatment.

In my “fishing”, I will neither be a complete angler, nor will I be dependent  of approval of higher authorities, whether religious or profane.

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