Basic mental capacity
If we want to be able to stand up for ourselves we need to be dangerous / cocky and confident. However, at the same time, as socially dependent beings, we need people to like us, hence we need to be able to keep the “dangerous / confident” part of us under control to establish friendships / families / relations. The confident / dangerous part is our protection when we meat people who might turn mean and malicious. To those who are reasonable our protection will make sense and we will respect each other and can go on in an eqaul / constructive way.
Since all of us have potential behaviors on a scale from need of love to aggression and we are ridden by feelings from sane fear to passion I think these are the areas, in for example a therapy project, where we might help people come to terms with their problems. I see no big differences if we are talking about individual life, family life, neighborhood relations, societys, companies and countries. At least within related cultures we are talking the same notes, possibly different octaves, rythms and scales. Sometimes played in C Major and sometimes in G Minor etc., which enriches our emotional color scale.
I've always listened to music, mainly jazz music. Suddenly I tried to understand it at a high age. Now I know why. And suddenly I see life through musical metaphors…
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