Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How Deep The Mud Is Depends On Who You Are!

How Deep The Mud Is
Depends On Who You Are!

Yesterday, my reading exercises took me among other things, to a friend's (a therapist with Primal past) picture in Facebook and Art Janovs latest Reflections. The combination of the two caused me to make my own reflections on the obvious reasons why the kind of emotional therapy, Art, with the best of intentions, talks about, is so rare and unwonted.

The traditional therapy to resolve depression / repressed feelings / traumas is a top-down affair because we, with the help of evolution, since the advent of modern cultures built our social structure in accordance with these top-down principles. All countries, regions, global organizations, businesses, churches / religions, governments, political parties, etc., etc., are top-down-driven / guided into their smallest units. Yes, right down to The Primal Center. In all, there exists a kind of documented or verbal philosophy, vision or framework so viability, survival, power and functionality can be maintained.

Our civilization, despite (sometimes because of) its constant polarities, is nevertheless a workable solid neurotic product / organism that was created largely thanks to pain propelled act outs. Take "The American Dream" as an example. Behind Nobel prize-winners in research, capital goods- and consumer-goods-empires, Hall-of-Famers from literature, art, film, music, and sports, etc. there is almost always a pain propelled act out. Results / success brings its practitioners financial wealth, independence, status, power and experience to slur over their suffering and repressed pain. They buy multiple solutions for their symptoms when the wear of the vital organs becomes unbearable / hard to hide.

It seems unrealistic to get support for conducting a general therapy of feelings. The existing political, educational and religious structures would then be threatened. Their existence is based on an intellectual pain repression / pathology. Evolution has seen to it that we in the US have 200,000 shrinks, holding a pharmaceutical industry fully occupied with producing the necessary painkillers to 60 million people (official figure!) With more painful truth than they can handle and with leaky gates. Most of the remaining “healthy” 260 million in the US operates in accordance with the American Dream and have  unlimited “non-pharmaceutical” painkillers and thus incentives to keep the show going on existing conditions . To underline the resistance to feeling therapies / Evolution in Reverse, I will remind of the fact that 88% of the US population refuse to let education teach evolution without preaching Genesis.

In order to succeed with the form of feeling therapy, which stimulates repressed emotions to be re-lived, and stop producing neurotic behavior (act outs) and anxiety, it is necessary to be prioritized from several standpoints. First, you have to, locally, find a licensed therapist / guide who himself is healthy / cured and knowledgeable. He should be able to give unconditional support and work continuously and for a long time. You should be financially independent / have deep pockets. Friends, acquaintances and family members must accept the process you are going through. If not, you must, in a vulnerable situation, have the strength, courage, and finance to break old ties that emotionally blocks your repressions / therapy efforts.

Feeling therapy is fundamentally simple but extremely difficult to implement, monitor and to live with from a practical point of view. Most of those who try to do feeling therapy fail and drop out of treatment or go up in support groups / sects where therapy development is hampered / stagnating.

The real hope is that the young / future generations understand the importance of unconditional love, physical contact and attention when they have children. We see promising signs in many places. Let us hope they develop into real and human heroes who can honor their children.

Jan Johnsson

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