Sunday, November 11, 2012

To make sense out of diet, feelings and dreams.

To make sense out of diet, feelings and dreams.

A French “bœuf” (cooked on scraped lean beef and fried in butter) with a glass of vintage red wine is a pleasure that I occasionally allow myself. It is a culinary pleasure that is hard to match. It is a precious enjoyment, and therefore, I have a slightly easier option that I enjoy just as much. It is potato pancakes (cooked on grated potatoes mixed with eggs fried in olive oil) with a large glass of potato decoction (the water that remains after cooking 1 kg potatoes and assorted onion varieties in three liters of water). The latter option is enjoyable, inexpensive and healthy, and restores the body’s acid-base balance. As fasting food, for a week, to detoxify the liver and kidneys and get the body to regain flexibility, mobility and achieve ideal weight, it is difficult to surpass. 

It is not hard to figure out that the detoxification the body is subjected to during the week leads to physical pleasure. A slightly more difficult, but no less important, effect achieved is mental. When toxins and deposits of nutrients and stimulants are cleared out, so we eliminate also defenses to repressed feelings, which are let loose. You can then use the principles of Primal Therapy and feel / relive the cause of the anxiety-provoking repressed pain and coordinate / clear the connexion between the different brain regions.

There are as many varieties of repressed feelings / pains as there are people with different experiences / traumas; own and shared. During a fasting week, I had a dream about a woman with whom, after 53 years, I have reestablished contact. The attached letter is an example of the importance of allowing the creative imagination to be the beacon in a curative ensemble of therapies:

“Hi Eva,

Since you are initiated into my somewhat special inner world, I dare to tell you about a dream I had last night. The dream took place in a large apartment somewhere, I do not know where. There were three people at the apartment: you, me and my daughter. The time involved at least 50 years, at the same time! The atmosphere was somewhat apprehensive but all in all, pleasant - far from my old nightmares in which I often lost orientation and became fearful that time would run out, and that I would not meet my deadline.

It was night and day at the same time. It was bright as the day, but we would sleep. The environment was highly stylish and beautiful, and I was half-asleep in a very high bed. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you enter the room, dressed in an elegant white cotton nightgown. You climb up to me in my high bed looking very pretty - a romantic 18-20-year-old woman. You are acting like you would seduce me but in a restrained way. I am excited and tempted to you. My daughter is nearby, and none of us dare to let loose. I just want to enjoy your small-firm tits and I tell you how beautiful they are.

Then I wake up suddenly and find myself in my birth process, 72 years back, and I am painfully dehydrated in my mouth and throat and my body stiff and numb - just like I experienced one morning when I was 18-19 before I developed epilepsy. My condition may sound scary - as it was 53 and 72 years ago - but now it was a relief to get to relive this traumatic sequence of my birth.

One interpretation of the dream is that it confirms my old impression of being respectfully fascinated by you, and I certainly would have liked to seduce you if only you had dared / been able to take the initiative... However, now it was not the case. Our different inhibitions holding us back.

Love Jan”

In the past, I wanted more imagination to practically grasp Science’s statistically observed symptoms of varying kinds to be able to find a cure rather than further repress what is behind the symptoms, as is common in for example cognitive therapy. My story is a small contribution to how the creative imagination can achieve meaningful improvements with the help of primal principles, diet, emotions and dreams.

Jan Johnsson


Eva's adorable reaction to my letter further strengthened me in my belief that my imagination get repressed emotions of all kinds to bubble up ...

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