Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My interpretation of the incomprehensible.

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My comment:

My interpretation of the incomprehensible.

Lack of love activates us, which, ironically, by extension, may be an important reason why the Primal revolution, so far only marginally, has been able to change the prevailing psychotherapeutic paradigm. The cognitive treatment philosophy, focusing on quick fixes, apply repression and repressive drugs to eliminate the pain / symptoms of lack of love, and to activate us. This neurotic activity propelled by words, psycho pharmaceuticals and the brain's own internal production of painkillers is an important incentive of most of our human creativity, being the driving force and inspiration behind science, technology, art and many cultural expressions, etc..

The evolution has, by ingenious chemical and electrical communication within our triune brain, converted pain caused by lack of love, trauma, abuse and neglect to activate us so that we survive, and can contribute to the long term survival of the human species. The activity caused by lack of love often functions very well. Especially when the task we face and our ability are in harmony with each other. When tasks become overwhelming depression and anxiety easily arises becoming unbearable just as when we become restless and bored. Both when we get depressed / sick due to insufficiency or boredom, we often seek therapy help for our symptoms.

In many cases, we solve the above problems / symptoms with cognitive therapy. Even if this therapy is both insufficient, misdiagnosed and irresponsible, evolution has since immemorial time recognized the unlimited complexity and insufficiency of all human relationships and created means for activity propelled repression to mask unbearable pain.
The evolutionary activity creates for many people a state of positive euphoric “flow” that occurs when they during high-mindedness are engaged in creative activities. The flip side is that we over-tax our bodies through faster metabolism, more brain activity, faster heart rate and higher blood pressure and the hidden price we pay is a shortening of our potential life-span.

All shrinks are themselves, for better or worse, the products of the same evolutionary repression / activity pattern as their patients. What they cannot or don't want to change in themselves, they cannot help their patients with. Temporary, short-term improvements and, at best, a limited understanding of the roots of our illness symptoms are the material with which we, eventually, can stitch together a patchwork of our life with its ups and downs.

The safest therapy to revolutionize the future human conditions in harmony with evolution is to give all fetuses / babies all the unconditional love they need in their life before birth, during birth and during their earliest most sensitive years.

Jan Johnsson

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