Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Scientific Explanation of Evolution in Reverse.

Being a long term Primal Therapy patient / practitioner, I feel enthusiastic and am relieved about the identification of the molecular mechanism in the prenatal brain. Identifying this may help explain how cells go awry when exposed to certain environmental conditions. By identifying many risk factors, the researcher detected the gene that may be linked to neurological problems. “Different stressors may have different stress responses”. They examined risk factors specially involving epilepsy, ADHD, autism and schizophrenia. They expressed hope “to provide therapy in the future to reduce the risk and protect vulnerable cells”.

Having been involved during the development of Primal Therapy (from a “quick-fix” to the process of re-lived pain during years and decades) for nearly half a century, PT has, for me, developed through experience to a lifestyle, finally to become an identity. Through a series of extraordinary coincidences, I happened the intuitive genius of Art Janov. He realized in the late 1960s, unscientifically, how psychological and neurological contexts were rooted before, during and just after birth. With this background, he identified accurately the Primal Principle and defined Evolution in Reverse. In fact existed thus, already then, the new treatment paradigm that had the potential to take psychotherapy out of the deadlock that cognitive therapy has continued to create. However, it would take nearly five decades before the scientific world seems to have caught up with Art Janov.

It is easy both to understand and feel for Art Janov´s many disappointments and impatience when it comes to achieving recognition from official bodies for his ingenious innovation. Lack of recognition and attention from both the neurological, psychological and other related circuits, in several respects, hampered the development of Primal Therapy. Due to self-inflicted inexperience, the stagnation did not became smaller because of the questionable hip character that followed “The Primal Scream’s” best seller edition. In the eyes of too many, PT became a fashion therapy, often in the hands of inexperienced, fortune-seeking boobs that caused permanent damage.

As a patient, I have survived and have been given a new outlook on life thanks to Art Janov’s guidance. It used to feel difficult and incomprehensible that almost everyone in an international environment (who consider themselves intelligent, well-educated and experienced) are reluctant to the general value of my achievements and my documented stories about my Epileptic Journey. The journey has to all parts followed the Primal Principle and Evolution in Reverse.

The research results which have been presented by Yale now feels as natural to me as when I after 53 years met my soul mate from adolescence. Now I can talk about my experiences with someone who happens to have a natural feel for interpreting both research papers and bottom-up information in the brain. Our fellowship eliminates naturally the old inhibitions in our thoughts and behaviors.

The Primal Principle is our future as well as the future of research. And to all whom it may concern.

Jan Johnsson


Dear Jan,

Thank you for your letter. 
This is a well thought out and well written piece.  

My best,
Dr. Arthur Janov

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