Tuesday, November 30, 2010

02.The important mentors who made my Epileptic Journey possible. (Article 5 of the history of my epilepsy.)

My home

I will later describe my experiences of my parents and my uppbringingfrom different angels. At this stage. I want to make a summary that my uppbringing was stable. My parents were always on hand, and we had a protected, authoritarian environment at Alnarp (a university). Except for my first three years of life, I had very little unconditional support, esopecially from my father, which I during decades acted out in my neuroses. The emotional back I received from my mother while my father under pressure gave financial back up when I got myself in an economic dilemma.

The Alnarp Castle

My parents repressed the existence of my epilepsy and I did not receive any support from them to develop ambitions to one day be able to manage my epilepsy and to know its background. Our upbringing, however, stimulated the imagination to create ideas. Nobody could stop me from building my castles in the air. I had practiced my imagination at the Alnarp castle a forbidden but exciting playground.

1 comment:

  1. How my son survived epilepsy.
    My son at the age of 13 suffered from terrible seizures as a result of the terrible condition called epilepsy according to EEG results and this was very humiliating and life threatening because he was continuously on life support drugs and medicines but none seemed to cure all they did was revive him and the seizure kept coming to him this lasted for 8 more years. The last time he had seizure in may last year i was called where i worked that my son had a terrible seizure, he was also revived from that but that day i wept. I was fortunate enough to explain my ordeal to a friend who invited Dr. Joseph who came and started treating my son with his medicine at our house for two months and in 3 months the seizure never happened again they were gone and even up till now he is very fine without any epileptic symptoms. Today he is 22 and i believe he has been cured. I think Epilepsy has a cure simply try to reach the doctor on (josephalberteo@gmail.com) for more information about his treatment process or how to get his medicine. Do not give up on yourself, i hope my son's story motivates you.
