In The Kingdom of the Blind, the One-Eyed is King.
In my metaphor, I equate to live with a painful repression, an imprint, with being emotionally blind. All those who are suffering and want to get help to get out of their “prison of pain” are part of the kingdom of the blind.
During the last 40 years, you have managed to create a unique knowledge and have in several brilliant books described your theory of how mental pain, engraved in our memories and brains since womb life, can be experienced and lived. That has given hope to many in “the kingdom of the blind” who are aware of their suffering and realize they need help to which you are showing the way.
In this kingdom, you have contented yourself with treating only a fraction of those who are suffering. Those men and women, which have been fortunate, had the strength to find you and have been able to afford it. Among them, you have had full reign thanks to your superior therapeutic insights. Unfortunately, you have persuaded this in a too one-eyed fashion, and you have failed to build a strong group around you. By failing to develop, educate and encourage like-minded, dedicated employees and create a dynamic organization, you have allowed the cognitive psychotherapy school, with its self-fulfilling organizational networks for education, research and pharmaceutical care, a neurotic treatment monopoly.
An innovative context requires ingenuity, but equally vital is an organization of strong, critical but loyal employees who can create the dynamic making the ingenious innovation an accessible reality. If treatment, planning, monitoring, finance, research and development is to succeed, the genius must have a professional, organizational superstructure. (Like Apple and Steve Jobs). In a healthy organization, even the most effective, emotion-oriented, right brain needs an intelligent, left brain, superstructure to communicate and create additional development.
To skim the patient market and conduct an inadequate research and monitoring through nepotistic based personnel policies have little chance of success. Of course, family activities are worthy of respect, but they do not solve universal needs that require treatment and scientific discipline in several segments. In addition, I sometimes have the feeling, during the internal Primal debate, that it is only within narrow circles in LA that there is enough high moral level to deal with the Primal Therapy.
Why do I not just shut up and appreciate what I got out of you and the Primal Therapy?
There are three main reasons.
First of all, because, I am convinced, it would be possible to build a dynamic organization, but that will and skill are not at hand.
Secondly, it surprises me that no one else has taken hold of the theory of “evolution in reverse” to live pain, which is repressed, and created an international therapy. Could it be that the theory is somewhat in conflict with reality’s / evolutions’s own principle, “survival of the fittest”?
Thirdly, why is the Janovian Solution neglected and suppressed by all of those who educate future generations of psychologists and therapists, etc.?
Would it not be worth reflecting on these issues in order to spread a little light among those desperate for a better future?
Jan Johnsson
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